Deer Valley Meadows
Alix, Alberta Canada http://www.deervalleymeadows.ca/camp-info/map
School of Apollos is a week set aside for learning to explore the Scriptures, targeted towards those who want to dig deeper in the Word, on a verse-by-verse basis.
If you register by the early registration deadline, you will get a commentary on the book under study.
- Dates: January 22 - 26, 2018
- Topic: The Four Events That Shaped our World (Genesis 1-11)
- Speaker: Ted McKellar
- Cost: $400.00* per person ($412 if paid online)
- Audience: youth and adults eager to grow in their knowledge of the Scriptures
- Register by: (early registration) December 29, 2017, or else January 8, 2018
- What is School of Apollos?
- Online Registration Form | Mail-in Registration Form
* If this fee is unaffordable, please contact us for more information.
This week-long school runs from Monday evening through Friday noon. It starts with check-in between 6:30 and 7:30 pm on Monday evening, and ends with lunch on Friday. Your fee includes accommodations, meals and snacks, printed notes, and a speaker honorarium. A detailed schedule will be available upon registration.
Creation – God’s amazing Creation
- The Case for Creation (including a critique of Evolution and Theistic Evolution)
The Fall – immediate effects . . . and implications for the present
The Flood – local or universal?
- “Flood geology"
The Scattering of the Nations
- The world on our doorstep
- A family to bless the nations
Although these 11 chapters are controversial they need to be looked at carefully since they are quoted more than 100 times in the New Testament. They are fundamental in shaping our Christian World View and are fascinating to study. We will try not to get bogged down in this but I (Ted) have learned a lot from presenting Creationism for 12 consecutive years in a Science and Religion class at the University of Alberta. It cannot be ignored.
- Your own bedding (sleeping bag, pillow, and towel), indoor footwear
- Your own personal items, including a Bible, writing implements, and other note-taking or study materials.
- (optional) board games, musical instrument
Please be prepared to walk outside between the buildings throughout the day.
We will provide outline notes from the speaker.
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