Ted and Lucille McKellar
Ted McKellar has had four different careers – first as a farm boy growing up in SE Alberta, then as a high school teacher with his wife (also a teacher) in schools in Alberta and South India. From India he was recruited to Mount Carmel Bible School in Edmonton where he taught several courses including Old and New Testament studies. During that time – about 30 years – he also served as a pastor in Brethren Assemblies here in Edmonton.
Ted’s 8 years of post secondary education took him to Emmaus Bible College, University of Calgary, and Providence Seminary. He and Lucille have travelled to countries including Israel, Europe – including Greece and Italy, Congo, and SE Asia. He has had a special interest in the Evolution-Creation debate and has presented Creationism to classes at St. Josephs College, U of A, a dozen times. Ted and Lucille have three grown sons, all married, and 11 grand children.