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School of Issachar 2015: Gender Issues
September 25, 2015 @ 6:00 pm - September 27, 2015 @ 1:30 pm
School of Issachar is a worldview and apologetics focused weekend. It is designed to equip believers to understand our times and then to confront the culture with gospel of Jesus Christ.
The Details
Dates: September 25 – 27, 2015
Location: Pine Lake Christian Camp, Pine Lake AB
Topic: Gender Issues
Speaker: Christian Klaue
Cost: $160.00* per person
Audience: late teens and above, who are serious about their faith
How to Register or Register Online
Register by: September 11, 2015
*If this fee is unaffordable, please contact Kendra Funston for more information.
This weekend school runs from Friday evening through Sunday noon. We will start with a session at 7:30 pm Friday evening and end with lunch at 12:30 pm on Sunday. Your $160 fee includes accommodations, meals and snacks, printed notes, and a speaker honorarium. A more detailed schedule will be available on registration.
What to Bring
You will need to bring your own bedding (sleeping bag, pillow and towel), personal items, Bible and pens or pencils. We will provide outline notes, feel free to bring extra paper. Bringing board games or a musical instrument is optional. Activities available at Pine Lake Christian Camp include canoeing and outdoor volleyball, for those so inclined.
Topic: Gender Issues
In the beginning, ‘God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them’ Gen. 1:27. With the creation of Man as male and female, God wove gender distinctions into every aspect of human life. Everything from DNA to behaviour is affected by these distinctions. However, the last 50 years has seen an unprecedented attack against these gender distinctions.
Starting with a simple description of some of the brain and other gender differences between males and females, we will start to look at three of the most common areas in which gender distinctions play a significant role: marriage, parenting, and the church. We will look at how gender differences affect the relationships we are in and how to use these differences to improve the strength of our relationships. The second area of life we will look at is how gender differences impact parenting and why a parent of each gender is the best family structure for children. Finally, we will look at how the church has dealt with gender and examine how (and why) gender is so significant within the church.
The seven sessions will include an outline of the material covered, notes, and an extensive bibliography for further reading.
Speaker: Christian Klaue
My name is Christian Klaue and I am currently the principal of Campbell River Christian School. This is my 21st year of being a principal in a Christian school. My wife (Joy) and I have 4 children: Liesl graduated from UBC with a BA in English and is currently in Kenya with Africa Inland Mission (AIM); Monika is in her second year UBC; Rudy is in his first year at UNBC; Nadia is in grade 10 at my school. My wife currently teaches grades 4 and 5 at Campbell River Christian School.
I was born again in 1984 and have been active with preaching and teaching in my local church since 1987. I received my BA in Canadian History from UBC in 1991, my teaching certificate from Simon Fraser University in 1992, and my M.Ed in Administration from George Fox University in 2000. I am currently working on my doctoral thesis (Developing Boy-Friendly 8-12 Christian Schools) in Educational Leadership from Northcentral University.
I have been involved with Christian education for the last 20 years and have been actively preaching for longer than that. Over the years I have often been dismayed at how little people actually know their Bible and how even fewer have learned how to apply the Scriptures to their daily lives. Over the years I have worked through much material on developing a biblical worldview. I have shared much of what I have learned with my students, my staff, and with colleagues at conferences and workshops. I hope to be able to share some of that with you at this conference.